Melinda In Dayton

The new home of most certainly not

Category: Fitness

  • Know Better, Do Better?

    How is it that I know a ton about what makes me tick, what is best for me, and yet, I still don’t do it? Why have I done this stupid dance of eating well, exercising, feeling fantastic and then slacking off and ending up feeling gross again? I’m happy for others who have “gotten…

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  • Whole 30 — Days 7 thru 12

    The past few days have been full of all kinds of “excitement” that has prevented properly documenting my Whole 30 progress. To make a long story short, the horribly cold temperatures caused a malfunction in one of our sprinkler system pipes. Fortunately, when that happens, it alerts the nearby fire departments who responded & were…

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  • The Winds of Change

    I know that making changes at the start of a new year is so cliche. But, I also know it is the ONE time of the year where I can be counted upon to be motivated, hopeful and concerned about the coming year. My birthday falls in January and as it approaches, I’m reminded of…

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  • Refusing to Take the Ditch

    This weekend was rough. Not going to lie–I was off track quite a bit. I participated in a huge vendor event for two days. 14 hours total standing on concrete. No time to really sit or relax. It provided a HUGE boost to my Scentsy business, but not so great for sticking to any type…

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  • Mid-Week and Making It

    This week has been flying, but because I planned ahead, I’ve managed to keep things on track at the house. Smoothies have found their way into my belly each morning this week. I’m pretty comfortable in concluding that the worse a smoothie looks, the better it will taste. I have had some pretty funky looking…

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  • Busy Busy, But Staying On Track

    I’m still trying to stick to more Paleo than not. I’ve veered off the reservation a couple of times and it was not worth it. I didn’t enjoy the taste and texture of what I was eating and, in some cases, the aftermath of uncomfortable feelings [and even allergic-like reactions] just didn’t do it for…

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  • Finally Friday!

    This week has been so long! Many evening activities with the girls and lots of projects at work left my refrigerator completely barren. I didn’t even have so much as a clump of grapes to take to work with me today. Usually, I dread going to the grocery store. Today, though? I was stoked. I…

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  • Cauliflower is the New Vinegar

    I remember realizing the vinegar could cure so many ills around my house. I wondered why no one had ever told me that. Ever since I realized how awesome vinegar is, I keep at least two huge jugs in the house at all times. I use it for EVERYTHING, even if I’m not quite sure…

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  • Moving Past the Whole 30

    Although my Whole 30 ended on the 30th, any attempt to return to even the slightest pre-Whole 30 menu has been met with a wholehearted “are you kidding me” from my body. I think it’s official–there is no turning back now. Tonight, we had a Paleo dinner and even my husband ate it. This is…

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  • Whole 30 — Days 18 thru 22

    I’m sure you may have suspected that I fell into a big bathtub full of candy a la Khloe Kardashian-Odom. But, nope. I’m still here chugging away, perfecting my Paleo meatball recipe, enjoying my SodaStream fizzy water, learning to appreciate a banana as a snack, and resetting all my unhealthy thought patterns. And, because I…

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