Melinda In Dayton

The new home of most certainly not

Author: melindaindayton

  • Bag Scarves–How cute are these?!

    When I went to Indianapolis for the annual reunion of Scentsy Family Consultants, I wasn’t sure what to expect from Grace Adele. Last year, in Las Vegas, this brand was launched and the excitement over it filled the room–it could also have been the free bag and accessories! This year, we learned that 80% of…

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  • Julie & Julia

    It never fails. Every time the movie Julie & Julia is on the television, I watch it. And, every time I watch it, I remember how new and exciting blogging felt when I started blogging years and years and years ago. How that blogging led to a long stint in military blogging which led to…

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  • Having Fun With the Idea of E-Guides

    The Whole 30|Whole 9 gang start a new Whole 30 on August 1. I suppose it’s time to admit I haven’t started it on my own and by the time I have myself in gear to go, it will be August 1 anyway. Maybe it’s best to just psych myself up for that beginning date…

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  • Still Knowing, But Still Not Doing

    First, the SodaStream machine came and it is divine. I am looking forward to purchasing some of the “Naturals” line and trying those mixes, but we enjoyed trying the Root Beer and the raspberry water mix-in this week. The carbonated water is amazingly good. I think this is a small appliance that won’t be stowed…

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  • The Need for Fizz

    I’ll admit it. Every now and then I’m a sucker for the Today’s Special Value on QVC. My problem? I never remember my customer number or anything else necessary to log-in. I struggle to remember, check all my usual hiding places and after about twenty minutes, I give up and use the phone. Using the…

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  • Knowing & Doing Are Two Different Things

    Cognitive dissonance (noun): The state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, esp. as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change. In other words, that ongoing grating in your mind that won’t stop until you make a decision or act. It’s like the chord at the end of the song that sets you a little…

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  • Color Block Your Socks Off!

    Summer is heating up and with it comes the idea that you might have time to try certain things you haven’t yet. For instance, maybe you’ll make a dent in that pile of books you’d like to read or finally take the road trip you’ve not made. For some, it will be as simple as…

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  • I Blame Uncle Si

    I will admit it. The first few episodes of Duck Dynasty that I watched were viewed begrudgingly. Once I’d viewed those episodes, though, I found myself tuning in and enjoying the time spent watching. The next thing I knew, missing a show disappointed me. We were then DVR’ing episodes and currently find ourselves counting the…

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  • Holiday Hangover

    As the first month of the new year draws to a close, I realize that my enthusiasm for 2013 has not translated into much progress. Oh, sure, I revamped my bedroom by closing my fashion museum [my clothing no longer lies about as if on display], purging my closets & finding a bunch of clothes…

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  • Recap: Christmas Goodies at the Fort

    Because not everyone in our family has the same last name and because we are a military family, we have christened our little corner of the world like an army post–we’re a fort. This year at the fort, the girls envisioned a holiday full of homemade goodies and Pinterest only fueled the fire. Always watching…

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