Surviving the Frozen 5k
Even though my only thought as the biting wind whipped all about was, “This is SO dumb. Why am I DOING this?”, I braved it anyway and ran the 5k Saturday afternoon. My time was nothing stellar–right around 44:00. The frustrating part that the course and a few other things slowed me WAY down. I…
Five Miles?! Am I crazy?
The answer to that second question must be decidedly — “YES!” I joined a group wellness class at work in late August. It loosely followed the Couch to 5k paradigm with which I was familiar, but in a group setting. I am always last–no big whoop. I don’t run for other people. Most of the…
Hibernation is Overrated
Thank goodness the sun is shining today and the temperature made it into the 60’s. After last winter’s absolutely offensive cold complete with tons of snow, frigid ice and wind chill records, I really couldn’t take much more from this year’s version of winter. Could we please just move along to spring and call it…