Melinda In Dayton

The new home of most certainly not

Doing the Financial Dance Marathon

My family’s financial planning reminds me of a dance marathon. It seems like a good idea for a worthy cause and the beginning is so enthusiastically addressed. But, it isn’t long until that initial enthusiasm is met with some unexpected blisters and a few dizzy spells from all the spinning.

Last time I wrote, I had been shocked and dismayed with the sheer amount of money spent on frivolous and fleeting things like eating out–and not even at nice places! I had a goal to keep our spending below $400 on such things in September and, if I could spend below $200, I planned to give myself a gold star.

Alas, no gold stars for this girl in that month. We dropped the spending considerably in comparison to past months, but $323.46 is still not good. BUT, it was below $400, so it did count as an accomplishment.

I can’t pat myself on the back, however, because in October, I took my eye off the ball for the better part of the month and tallied up $599.70 in these types of expenses. It is excruciatingly obvious that if I don’t police this 24/7, make meal plans, do the grocery shopping Clicklist, and do a majority of the cooking, this type of ridiculousness will continue. I would like to say that I have the energy and fastidiousness to be the tightener of the purse strings, but honestly? This exhausts me more than I am usually exhausted.

My job has become increasingly demanding. I LOVE it. However, it does deplete my already limited reserves of time and ability to give 100%.

But November? I’m coming for you. This will be managed. And, because we already came careening into this new month with bad habits from October following us, I already feel like I’m behind the 8-ball.

Wish me luck!



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