Have you ever paused in the grocery aisle and debated whether to buy something obviously the next best thing to homemade (maybe better?!) or something with more ingredients on the label and a factory birthplace? Was the reason for your pondering the price of the more personal product? I had a crisis of conscience in the grocery store aisle this morning, but I decided to grab the granola.
I stopped by the market on my way to work so I could restock my long-time depleted stash of decent food in my office fridge. I knew I wanted some granola and went to see what was on sale. I noticed two types of Paleo granola made by a small, local bakery with a price tag close to $10. I looked at the ingredient label and then sat the bag back on the shelf because I thought, “Can I really pay $10 for granola?”
I decided I could and here are the main reasons I did and I will do it again:
- I couldn’t make this granola for $10 myself.
- The granola looked delicious and better than any other offering on the shelf.
- I have spent over $10 for something greasy in a bag that lasts me the 30 minutes or less it takes to inhale it. This same “meal” will clog my arteries and fatten my gut.
- If I am ever going to put myself back on track, I need to plan for my meals and budget my time and money so I can purchase things like this.
- If I had not eaten from vending machines, drive-thrus, and take out boxes for the past handful of weeks, I could have cleared the shelves of the granola.
I totally enjoyed the handful of granola on my Greek yogurt at breakfast. It tasted even better than it looked and I didn’t think that was possible. Lunch consisted of an avocado, a red bell pepper, and some Ovengold turkey slices…and I’m 100% full.
I have allowed myself to slip back to dangerous habits and have left behind some really healthy ones. I don’t like what it has done to my body and I’m going to kick my own ass and start over again.
Do you incorporate what first felt like a splurge into your self-care/healthy lifestyle? Tell me in comments!