I’ll admit it. Every now and then I’m a sucker for the Today’s Special Value on QVC. My problem? I never remember my customer number or anything else necessary to log-in. I struggle to remember, check all my usual hiding places and after about twenty minutes, I give up and use the phone. Using the phone is not my favorite thing, but I realized that I placed an order for yesterday’s Special Value in less than a minute when I called. NOW I see how all the QVC Queens become royalty–it’s just that easy.
Anyway. I’ve mentioned my devotion to La Croix water in past posts. I think it’s the combination of wanting to be hydrated, skipping the sugar and sodium, and the fizz. I’m allll about the fizz. So, when I saw QVC featuring a product that I’d been watching and considering for awhile, I determined it might be a good purchase.
Never mind the fact that it comes with all kinds of jazzy stuff plus a rebate on both the unit itself and the little fizzy charger thing, but I imagined all the amazing ways I could make fizzy water involving real fruit and mint [and, yes, my mind wandered to mixed drinks!]. BUT, when the Whole 30 starts, the booze goes bye-bye. I will miss wine for those 30 days, not going to lie.
This little beauty will be here before the July 4th holiday. I’m already clearing it a little place in a designated cabinet. I’m also going to have leads on several little storage caddy candidates for all the bottles, etc. so I can pick the one that will fit in place immediately. My friend who owns one gave me a tip to chill my water before I carbonate it, so I’m also clearing out some space in the fridge door.
This could be good for me. And, as much as my youngest likes gadgets, she will probably be more than happy to keep me in fizzy water for the duration.
Does anyone else have one of these machines? What do you like to use it for? Are there ways you’ve found to make it more of a mainstay in your kitchen? Do you ever take it places? Just wondering!