Melinda In Dayton

The new home of most certainly not

Whole 30 — Day 11

Another rocky start to the day. Somehow, the morning ran from me and I found myself having only consumed an apple and a cup of coffee when it was time to leave for my daughter’s high school orientation event. Ugh. And, yes, ice cream and pink lemonade were served. Funnily enough, I didn’t really want to go stick my face in the 5-gallon tub of ice cream, guzzle the hot fudge or snort the Oreo dust.

I wanted a hot meal.

Once the running around died down, I decided I wanted meatballs. I didn’t measure the ingredients at all. It was ground beef, an egg, some Italian seasoning, some dried minced onion, almond flour, a bit of black pepper and salt and that was that. I just made it so it “looked” right and went from there. I baked the meatballs at 350 for 35 minutes and they were perfect. I put them in the warming marinara and let them all become happy before my daughter and I dug into them.

meatballsThis was the result.

Absolutely perfect.

I’ve made meatballs before [pre-Paleo] and I found a good combination of ingredients. I also concocted a pretty decent meatloaf by not measuring the almond flour, but instead, just using enough to bind the ingredients. I found most recipes WAY overloaded the almond flour which turned everyone, including me, off when it came time to eat the finished product.

Necessity is the mother of invention, after all, so that goodness I NEEDED these meatballs!

They were do good and they allowed me to finish off the remaining marinara I’d made.

Tomorrow, I’m set up with an already baked chicken breast for lunch. No more of this, “Oh, I ate a piece of fruit and it’s seven hours later and I’m so hungry that I may need to eat my steering wheel right this minute.” Because I baked the chicken with just salt and pepper, I plan to try out some of my lemon Tessemae’s on it. Perhaps I’ll create yet another super yummy dish.

Time will tell!


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